The Mostra de cinema peripérico (S8), in collaboration with Acción Cultural Española – AC/E (Spain) and the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto-LIFT (Canada), opens the call for the 4th edition of the International Artistic Residencies of Cinematographic Creation-BAICC.
Since the start, the Mostra has carried out a decisive task to promote, disseminate and demand analogue film formats by creating a reference area in Spain. In that sense, the idea of opening new roads in this direction has been around almost since the first edition of the Mostra. A line of work that finally found its correspondence in the collaboration with a unique institution in the world in its support of cinema in filmic format, the constant aesthetic search yet to be exploited in this field, and the fruitful coexistence of new technologies with photochemical supports. We are talking about LIFT, the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto, which has a solid history behind it, welcoming artists in residence who work in analogue (artists such as Naomi Uman, Helga Fanderl, Tomonari Nishikawa and Martha Colburn, among others, have passed through them).
The corporate purpose of (AC/E) is to plan, organise and carry out exhibitions, events and initiatives to disseminate and foster the cultures of Spain which contribute to their presence both in Spain and internationally, and particularly when commemorating outstanding people, works and events.

The first Residencia Artística Internacional de Creación Cinematográfica – BAICC came to life in 2017 thanks to the support of AC/E (Spain) and LIFT (Canada), and are the materialization of (S8)’s commitment to the artistic production and creation in alternative spaces.
After a 3rd successful call, Valentina Alvarado’s Propiedades de una esfera paralela was the latest project to be awarded by BAICC. Her work, also produced during the 5-week stay at LIFT, was screened in its world premiere at the 11th (S8) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico in A Coruña on October the 1st 2020.
Today we announce the 4th call for (S8)’s BAICC, the international artist-in-residence program which offers the selected candidates the opportunity to work in the production of an cinematographic piece in analog format (35mm, 16 mm, super 16mm, 8mm or super 8mm) in Toronto (Canada).
The goal of our Residencias Artísticas Internacionales de Creación Cinematográfica – BAICC is to find new opportunities for emerging creators, facilitating exchanges with institutions of international repute, such as LIFT-Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto.
Participation will be open here until November 26th (11:59 pm GMT+1) to anyone born or residing in Spain, with a proven artistic career, and wishing to carry out their audio-visual projects in analog format.
The duration of the residency will be between 4 and 6 uninterrupted weeks to choose between mid-January and March 2021 and subject to the availability of the LIFT facilities in Toronto.