Fundación Luis Seoane | Thursday June 6th | 11:00 p.m. | Free entry to all venues until full capacity.
Latitude Mesh by Agnès Hayden was the project chosen in the last invitation from BAICC, the 2023–24 International Artistic Residency for Cinematographic Creation promoted by (S8) together with AC/E and LIFT.

Agnès Hayden | 2024 | Spain, Canada | 16 mm | 18 min
Latitude Mesh is a film that puts different photosensitive emulsions into dialogue: Kodak Tri-X, a Kodak 3378 high contrast film and Hayden’s own emulsion, created artisanally. The latter provides the main thrust of the work: the research into the work’s characteristics and possibilities. The film is structured using three concepts: the descent in photographic latitude from the most light-sensitive emulsion to the least; the descent in Toronto’s geographical latitude, filming from north to south according to the emulsion; and a physical descent by the camera, from low-angle images focusing on the heights, passing through the city and the land, then ending at Lake Ontario. Movement, photochemical sensitivity and geography are all intertwined throughout the footage, accompanied by a soundscape produced by Hayden herself. The images and music gradually degenerate into violent rhythms of disordered silver halides and distorted sounds. (Agnès Hayden)