Bruno Delgado is the autor of FRAME MANOEUVRES TO PORT winner project of this fourth edition of Residencias Artísticas Internacionales de Creación Cinematográfica 2020/21. The valuation commission composed of a representative of each of the three entities responsible for the call, Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto – LIFT, (S8) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico de A Coruña and Acción Cultural Española – AC/E, has selected this project to be developed during five to six weeks in Toronto.
A film-performative proposal which puts in parallel with this exploration based on the aforesaid locations, and an investigation on the film and projection means focused on the generation of the frame’s limits and the screening’s borders through a dialog between the port landscape of both cities Toronto and A Coruña.
Frame Manoeuvres to Port results in a film expanded presentation in a space with a window so the audience attends simultaneously the screening of the photochemical material and the live views through the window as a light-and-sound hole, as a filmic device.
Both investigations are carried out in parallel, the first in terms of motifs and context (ports) the second in terms of technic procedures (film and projector window plates). Metaphorically, Frame Manoeuvres to Port compares the film gate (and the frame) to the port’s piloting area (where it is only the port pilot who is capable of properly manoeuvring thanks to his deep knowledge of those particular waters). Both are enclosed frames where manoeuvres are performed. In the same way, the word manoeuvre refers both to material operations performed by hand and to on-board operations.

The Valuation Commission considers that FRAME MANOEUVRES TO PORT by Bruno Delgado It is the most attractive project, formally as well as conceptually. The proposed investigation about the film means appeals to the technical facilities and knowledge LIFT offers., which makes it stand out from other proposals of great value presented to this IV Call of BAICC.
FRAME MANOEUVRES TO PORT will be advanced worldwide in the 12th edition of (S8) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico, which will take place in A Coruña from May 28 to June 6, 2021.

Bruno Delgado Ramo (Sevilla, 1991) presents his interdisciplinary work as investigations based on the experimental, material and spatial practice of cinematographic media, in which the ideas of specificity, process or spatial reading are important, leading him to think about filming and projection as light processes in specific locations and contexts. His practice is embodied in films, actions, spatial proposals and publications. His work has been programmed at the Rotterdam, Pesaro or Vila do Conde festivals; Light Field, (S8) Mostra de cinema peripérico, Nomadica, San Francisco Cinematheque, WIELS, FRACTO, BIAU XI, Rose Bruford College of Theater and Performance or INJUVE; and together with works by Esperanza Collado at Image Forum or Taipei Contemporary Art Center. Recently, with the support of the Bank of Projects of the Institute of Culture and Arts of Seville, he promoted the initiative “kino ~ okno”, a proposal focused on the mechanical, photochemical and optical roots of cinema.