Brenda Boyer is the creator of TURTLE [chromatic passage #4], the winning project for this eighth BAICC – International Artistic Residencies for Cinematographic Creation 2024/25. The assessment committee made up of a representative from each of the three entities responsible for the call, AC/E – Acción Cultural Española, the (S8) of A Coruña and the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto – LIFT, decided that this proposal would be selected to be carried out for five weeks between September and October 2024 in Toronto (Canada).
TURTLE [chromatic passage #4] applies the principles of chromatic separation from RGB filters, copying and overprinting to build a film in which the canadian natural environment vibrates through the light, opening a space of mystery within. The committee highlights the solidity and conceptual and technological interest of this project, as it brings a unique view to the process. One of the key things in her piece is not needing the three colors to come together into a ‘real color”, allowing the images to stand alone with the fractured color patterns. They become more intriguing, more sensual, as a result. Thanks to BAICC, she will be able to delve deeper into this research through optical copying.

The result of this residency will be premiered at the next (S8) 16th Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico in 2025, A Coruña.

Brenda Boyer (Alicante, 1984) has moved through various media, such as sound, writing, photography, video and performance, until she currently focuses her interest on the body, movement and image as forms of experimentation and exploration of the haptic and phenomenological dimension of vision, as well as the body as a space of resonance.
With a degree in Audiovisual Communication, she obtained a master’s degree in Documentary Film Direction and Production and a master’s degree in Audiovisual Experimentation and Contemporary Creation LAV, alternating her interest in image and sound with periods of isolation, contemplation and silence. Her pieces, many of them collaborative and/or collective, have passed through places such as Documenta Madrid (Madrid), Cinespaña (Toulouse), el Festival de Narrativas Cuéntalo (Logroño), Festival de Videoarte y Cine Experimental Intermediaciones (Medellín), Festival Internacional Rencontres Bandits-Mages (Bourges), Queer Porn Film Festival (Nueva York), Perv Queerotic Film Festival (Sydney), International Radical Festival For Queer Politics (Amsterdam), Fundación Antonio Saura (Cuenca), Muestra Itinerante Colección Privada (Granada) and our XV Mostra de Cine Periférico (S8) (A Coruña), among others.

BAICC– Residencias Artísticas Internacionales de Creación Cinematográfica 2024/25 is a eSe8_LAB project that has the support of Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) and LIFT-Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto.