INPUT is a space for tutoring and consultancy on cinematographic projects fostered by the (S8) Mostra Internacional de Cinema Periférico de A Coruña. It can count on participation from LAV Audiovisual Laboratory of Contemporary Creation and Practices, and is funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU as part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts and the Luis Seoane Foundation, and has the backing of Afundación (social projects by Abanca).

This programme aims to back quality cinematographic projects, giving their creators the chance to rethink their creative procedures, improve their work, find sources of funding and get the most suitable distribution for the pieces.

Participants must be over 18 years of age and be carrying out a film project with a decidedly clear artistic purpose, be it a film or a film performance. Due to the international nature of the activity, it is advisable for the participants to have knowledge of English.

Selection process
The period for receiving dossiers, which must include the list detailed below, will be from 4 to 29 April. All documents must be in Spanish and English, and not exceed 5 pages:

  • Synopsis: max. 1 page
  • Teaser, if any: max. 3 minutes.
  • Two stills from the project or images representing it.
  • Applicant’s biography with a link to their website: max. 1 page.
  • One photograph of the applicant.
  • Email and phone number. 

The evaluation committee will decide which four projects are selected. Afterwards, the chosen participants will be contacted to confirm their attendance at INPUT 2023, and they must respond before 4 May. If they do not do so, they will be understood to have withdrawn, and the next on the list of substitutes will be contacted. On 12 May, the selected projects will be made public. 

INPUT 2024 will take place on Wednesday 5 and Friday 7 June. On 5 June, there will be a welcome ceremony for the participants given by the director of the Luís Seoane Foundation, the directors of (S8) and the coordinator of INPUT, after which the participants will have a gathering to get to know each other and share their projects with the tutors, in a first mentoring day. 

The second session will take place on Friday in the morning. Both days will take place at the headquarters of the Luís Seoane Foundation in A Coruña.

The tutored attendees will receive a professional accreditation that will give them access to all of the Mostra festival’s activities and programmes. 

INPUT will cover the cost of journeys from Spain for all the participants, and the midday meals and accommodation for those who do not reside in A Coruña, over the days that the activity lasts.

The selected participants’ obligations
The participants agree to state that the project has been selected in INPUT 2024, including the logos that will be provided by the coordinators, in the opening titles (in the case of films) or in the documents describing the work (in the case of film performances). Also, they assign the rights to the Luís Seoane Foundation and (S8) to screen the work after it has been released in Spain and/or for the 2 years following its official premiere. 

Furthermore, the participants authorise INPUT to use the information pertaining to their projects and their biography, as well as their image and that of their projects, in order to disseminate the activity, and for it all to be included in the (S8) catalogue.

It will be understood that the participants accept these rules on applying to participate.

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