OPEN CALL FOR 5th BAICC – International Artistic Resid...

OPEN CALL FOR 5th BAICC – International Artistic Resid...

The Mostra de cinema peripérico (S8), in collaboration with Acción Cultural Española - AC/E (Spain) and the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto-LIFT (Canada), opens the call for the 5th edition of the International Artistic Residencies of Cinematographic...

José Val del Omar, at the core of (S8) 2021

José Val del Omar, at the core of (S8) 2021

This year, the festival inaugurates a collaboration with Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) –an initiative intended to promote the dissemination of José Val del Omar’s work via a twofold film program, a special online show, and a conference that will gather a group of...

Save the dates: (S8) 2021

Save the dates: (S8) 2021

Save the dates: the 12th edition of the (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico will take place from May 28th to June 6th in A Coruña (Spain).

FRAME MANOEUVRES TO PORT, selected project BAICC 2020/21

FRAME MANOEUVRES TO PORT, selected project BAICC 2020/21

Bruno Delgado is the autor of FRAME MANOEUVRES TO PORT winner project of this fourth edition of Residencias Artísticas Internacionales de Creación Cinematográfica 2020/21. The valuation commission composed of a representative of each of the three entities responsible...

OPEN CALL FOR 4th BAICC – International Artistic Resid...

OPEN CALL FOR 4th BAICC – International Artistic Resid...

The Mostra de cinema peripérico (S8), in collaboration with Acción Cultural Española - AC/E (Spain) and the Liaison of Independent Filmmakers of Toronto-LIFT (Canada), opens the call for the 4th edition of the International Artistic Residencies of Cinematographic...